Second i want to announce something interesting , ok lets go directly , there will be a script software that can allow you download manga from any online manga site , sound fun? . Lets me explain some details.
- Script software ? WTF is that? --> That's like a engine , it will do all of complicate programing task for you , all thing you must do just provide some line for it to knows what to do . Thatall.
- And what the script will be ? ---> Ahem , here is the example script for
tailcut link 5;I think you still afraid with that fuck complicate script but dont worry , i am sure it simple enough for anyone can write your own manga downloader.
append link -page-1.html;
get link by urlreader1;
search title[^<]*/title to search1;
tailcut search1 8;
findmaxnumber search1 to find1;
loop from 1 to find1 as loopindex1
tailcut link 6;
append link loopindex+.html;
get link by urlreader1
search href="[^"]*">
split search1 " to array1;
set temp1 valueof array1[last];
set imagelink valueof temp1
download imagelink;
The third , This software is still in testing phase, so this entry just an annoucement :P , i will release it asap.
And finnally , thats is the reason i still cannot fix some small errors of the exist software :D forgive me !!